OTTO Alum Leads Uganda to Little League World Series

Uganda Final (3)-7441

Evan with Team Uganda

If you tune into ESPN at 1pm on Thursday, August 20, you will see Newburyport’s own Evan Petty, managing the Uganda Little League team in their opening game of the Little League World Series.

Evan, a Syracuse grad with a degree in Journalism and a love for baseball, worked in OTTO’s Newburyport location in its first few months of operations, before heading to Uganda to teach English. In his spare time, Evan assembled a juggernaut of a baseball team.

Read more about Evan in this profile. It’s an inspiring story on many levels, and we hope you’ll join us in cheering on Team Uganda.

Today, two OTTO drivers from our Newburyport location (Aidan and Ryan) headed to Williamsport PA with 15 large pizzas to feed the team. We hope that we can help to fuel a win, although our gesture pales in comparison to what Evan has contributed.

We at OTTO are incredibly proud of Evan, and we wish Team Uganda the very best of luck during the series.

Hot Stove Report: OTTO Provides Catering To Red Sox Twice In Two Weeks

red sox ottoThe season may have come and gone with little fanfare, but The Red Sox organization never stops working. (They call it the Hot Stove season for a reason.)

Today OTTO will be serving up a delicious array of 18 large pies to Baseball Operations at Fenway Park. Now, we all know the Sox are a quality organization, and this marks their second OTTO catering order in two weeks. It doesn’t take a statistician to make an inference here.

We’ve often said that OTTO is brain food, so if the stats-crunchers help assemble a comeback team for the 2013 season, OTTO will be happy to take some credit.

If you’d like OTTO to cater your next event, call our catering manager at (207) 807-6426 in Portland or (617) 947-8517 in Boston.

OTTO Pizza’s Deering Little League Girls Softball Team Closes Out Season

OTTO Pizza coach Brian Carleton serves up some pizza to the members of the Deering Little League OTTO Pizza Girls AA Softball Team as they celebrate the close of their successful season with some pizza at OTTO Pizza’s Munjoy Hill location last night.

This year, OTTO Pizza sponsored a girls softball team in the AA Division of Portland’s Deering Little League. The girls, all seven and eight years old, wrapped up their season last night with a game at the Hall School field, whereupon the entire team adjourned to OTTO Pizza’s East End location on Munjoy Hill for a celebratory pizza party.

In addition to the pizzas, the girls enjoyed a special cake commemorating their season and tore into two packs of Topps 2012 baseball cards, supplied by Assistant Coach Danny Terroni.

It was a great year, and the best part of it was watching all of the girls improve as players as the season progressed. It was a real treat to watch them learn how to play the game and then put those skills to use on the diamond in the games each week.

The members of OTTO Pizza’s Deering Little League AA Girls Softball team gather for a team photo at the beginning of the season.

Coach Brian Carleton did a great job teaching the girls how to hit, how to field and how to make accurate throws, and every game was well-attended by the players’ parents, friends and family.

“We had a great year because we had great kids and all the parents were involved, too,” Coach Brian said. “That makes a big, big difference.”

We’re proud of the girls, not just those who played on the OTTO Pizza team, but of all of ’em who played in the league this year. It was an honor to be able to be a part of it all and we’re looking forward to being involved again next year.


A member of the OTTO Pizza AA Girls Softball Team in Portland’s Deering Little League drives a solid hit up the middle as her teammates look on.